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안녕하세요! Welcome dearies! NO spamming please.


Janice Yeo

She Wants

to hug ALL my idols and get all their signatures!♥
star hoodie
my own drumset
dickies backpack
boyfriend tee
plain t-shirt
be a dj when i grow up!

♥ Arron Yan :D
Dai Yang Tian Kim (Hyung) Jun
Zhang Zhen Huan Dai Yang Tian
Lucas Grabeel Zhang Zhen Huan
Kim (Hyung) Joon Lucas Grabeel
♥ Ron Ng
♥ Jerry Yan
♥ Kim Hyun Joong
♥ Wilber Pan
Julian Hee Mike He
The list can go on, but it will take all the space left:D

Top 10 movies/ dramas

♥ Pi Li MIT!!!
♥ the ultimatum!!!
♥ Wild child
♥ High School Musical 3:Senior Year
♥ KO One
♥ Boys over Flowers
♥ Crime Busters x2
♥ Fighting Spiders
♥ Princess Hours
♥ Night at the Museum 2

Top 5 bands

♥ LKyouth band:D(both the old and new)
♥ 飛輪海
♥ T-Max SS501
♥ S.H.E
♥ SS501 Jo Bros


♥ The drums:D
♥ Star accessories/clothes.(eg necklaces, tankies, rings)
♥ The combination of pink and baby blue
♥ archie comics
♥ sausages
♥ MYSELF! we must have confidence in ourselves. no? and much more much more things!!! ask me!!!


ShoutMix chat widget


arron's blog!♥♥♥♥♥
joylynn jie
wei ling
mei lin

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Designer: manikka
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Friday, March 27, 2009
OMG we like had spirit of the class today. it was actually kinda rushed cos we only had it ready on tues and the competition was today. actually they told us in like feb but my pe capts didnt do the cheers and end up who did it? ME (and my gang of friends.) DEAD UNFAIR. and the rap, well dont even talk bout it. it was only completed YESTERDAY. like omg who can memorise a rap in less than 24 hours?obviouly not me. i took like 2 weeks before i knew the people in my class. and that was only their faces, not names. so yeah, i have a memory like an elephant. with amesia. haha. so funny. not. so anyways, as you would have probably guessed, my class messed up the ENTIRE rap. like we started offwell and 2 seconds later, the whole class forgot everything. including me, hehe. sigh. so i guess we didnt prepare properly. nvm. we are only sec 1s. 3 more years to go! yay us! 加油1co!you can do it with me!:DDDDDDD oh yah the teachers were also damn funny. they couldnt get off the stage so they were waving pompoms on the stage in front of everyone. damn weird. but they stopped halfway.guess they didnt like our performance. *sniffs*
oh yah and dark oracle is super intersting. im like glued to the screen. NOW I HAVE TO DO MY SCIENCE PROJECT. SADDENING.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANT MY MOMMY! actually i dont. i wanna go for church camp and go swimming and play tennis and sing and get tanned and get a sunburn and sleep and sleep and sleep somemore. I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok. that was lame. anyways we went to church today and tons of people didnt come. mayube its the holiday lag. but i bet it was cos there is school tmr. SCHOOL KILLS THE PEEPLS IN THINS WORLD. at least me,i a person. I WANT TO PLAY RAVING RABBIDS!!!!!!!!!IM ADDICTED TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
yay! just came back from jb! austin hills was like damn huge! and it was super fun! yay me! but i think i got a couple of bruises from a certain small boy... anyways, we were like playing wii during the sermons, so it was tons of fun! we played raving rabbids and i like the dial-a-rabbid(???) game. uber fun! but i think i played too much. i had a rabbid dream that night. i thought the rabbid guy caught me using my handphone in the cinema and he kicked me onto the road. then i met spider/spyder rabbid and i got shot. thats when i woke up.hehe anyways gotta go! i dont want to go back to school....

Thursday, March 05, 2009
im updating,updating,updating! have been really busy. guess what? im like LOADED with projects and they are all dued soon! like SCREAMING DUCKIES! HOW IN THE WIDE WORLD AM I SUPPOSED TO FINISH THAT? arrrrgh. anyways, hols is coming soon! but i probably have to return to school so no difference actually... but still, HOLIDAYS!!!! yes! haha anyways gotta do some weirdo reflections! BYEEEEEEE!