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안녕하세요! Welcome dearies! NO spamming please.


Janice Yeo

She Wants

to hug ALL my idols and get all their signatures!♥
star hoodie
my own drumset
dickies backpack
boyfriend tee
plain t-shirt
be a dj when i grow up!

♥ Arron Yan :D
Dai Yang Tian Kim (Hyung) Jun
Zhang Zhen Huan Dai Yang Tian
Lucas Grabeel Zhang Zhen Huan
Kim (Hyung) Joon Lucas Grabeel
♥ Ron Ng
♥ Jerry Yan
♥ Kim Hyun Joong
♥ Wilber Pan
Julian Hee Mike He
The list can go on, but it will take all the space left:D

Top 10 movies/ dramas

♥ Pi Li MIT!!!
♥ the ultimatum!!!
♥ Wild child
♥ High School Musical 3:Senior Year
♥ KO One
♥ Boys over Flowers
♥ Crime Busters x2
♥ Fighting Spiders
♥ Princess Hours
♥ Night at the Museum 2

Top 5 bands

♥ LKyouth band:D(both the old and new)
♥ 飛輪海
♥ T-Max SS501
♥ S.H.E
♥ SS501 Jo Bros


♥ The drums:D
♥ Star accessories/clothes.(eg necklaces, tankies, rings)
♥ The combination of pink and baby blue
♥ archie comics
♥ sausages
♥ MYSELF! we must have confidence in ourselves. no? and much more much more things!!! ask me!!!


ShoutMix chat widget


arron's blog!♥♥♥♥♥
joylynn jie
wei ling
mei lin

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Designer: manikka
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Monday, May 25, 2009
whooots havent blog for quite some time. welll, yesterday, we had this comtemplative prayer thingy. its kinda cool, except i was really sleepy, cos the lights were all of and then everyone was so quiet.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009
yay! today is e-learning, so i dont need to go to school! yay! but then, i have like tons of homework and e-learning stuff, so yah. i mean, its not even a whole week of holiday! its just one day, and the workload can be that of a whole week!anyways, gotta do work.


Monday, May 18, 2009
yay! today, during history, mrs fern suddenly passed ms kavita a list of names. at first, when i saw my name i was like shit, i got booked.. then later, when i looked clearly, i was actually nominated as a prefect! i was like OMG in my seat. i mean, being a prefect is totally awesome and all, but then, it has its own restrictions. i mean, my socks will probably have to be sky high, and then my skirt will probably have to be like ground low(?) so anyways, interviews next week! wish me all the best!
now im like doing some friggin guidees thing. i mean, i like doing projects, but i think i have too many projects now. sigh... anyways, gtg.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
yay! went back to school today! you know i was like super tired in the morning and i kinda crached into the fan(as usual) so my dad had to like hold me so i wouldnt fall(: and sis and i kinda reached school late cos of our hair which had like tons of statics. utterly terrible. trust me. i neverr wanna have it again. so anyways,when i went to class, i immediately started to learn my 1 metre long poem.xD serious. i mean, who ever recites souch long poems now. when the test started, i found out that i forgot how to write some words. to make it worse, when the test ended, i found out that i was supposed to write numbers for my 'fill in the blanks' and i wrote words. i was like gonna cry cos i think im gonna fail chinese. sigh. and later, mr sim, the bio teacher came in and told 6 of my classmates(including me) that tmr we have to go for this workshop till 6. which means no tv, no com tmr. utterly sadvastating. well, at least tmr theres common recess, which means 1 HOUR RECESS!!!!! not that i get to eat much anyway, but the time is good... so anyways, got like 4 guides stuff that are due and so, gtg. oh yah btw, does anyone have any suggestions for cip places that you can easily get cip hours and yet slack? haha thx!

Saturday, May 09, 2009
vesak day today!!!! haha! nothing much happened today... im really bored... i got like tons of hw but then i gave up. seriously. oh yes, yesterday i had this totally weird dream. it was like i was flying-- i was super happy-- and then suddenly my hp dropped and i got this baby barbie phone. then i was crying and when i woke up i was super sad. a damn interesting dream... right

Friday, May 08, 2009

yayayay! NAPFA was today and i straight As! it was actually quite simple. not that im boasting or anything but yah. i mean, i kinda cheated for everything so haha! except shutttle run and standing broadjump. but i cheated the others. i mean not like really cheat, its just the position:D haha! so... tmr is vesak day! a public hol! yay! and we have another hol on mon! double yay! at first i thought that it was like a hol for indians, but actually its a buddhist hol! anywyas, dead embarassing.

oh, and next week would be my cuz wedding! i went shopping for a dress! sis and i found this totally cool mirror and took like maybe 3 photos. haha!

first photo...

second photo...

third photo! i can count!

my awesome dress!

Thursday, May 07, 2009
whooops havemt blogged for quite some time. today is mummy's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! haha. anyways, went to this totally ulu place to eat dinner, but like the food was totally awesome!!!! i mean, they like had this bacon mushroom grattin thing which sounds really like ewwww but it was awesome! haha!
anyways, in music class today, my dear friends lexy and zy and i was like high-ing. totally radical.:D i think our music teacher was like thinking: why are there these weird pupils in my class? but anyways, we had tons of fun, cos like i was this uber bimbotic dj and they were like my partners in bimbotism! haha! i can so write my own dictionary(: so yah, and we had totally cool names. guess what? i was honey, zy was chicken and lexy was wing! omg so awesome right? well cos i came out with these names, so of course they're cool:D yeah, had tons of fun.:))))))
had guides today too. i had like 2 test and i almost failed the test. well, some peeps did fail the test. but i was mugging yesterday! anyways, i dont really enjoy guides. i mean, its fun and stuff, but the company, well, like you know. so yah. at least its once a week...
so, im like wondering whether i should change my cca to tennis next year. i actually so got in, but i made the totally WRONG CHOICE. i thought i couldnt get in. sigh... anyways, gotta go! toodles!!!!