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안녕하세요! Welcome dearies! NO spamming please.


Janice Yeo

She Wants

to hug ALL my idols and get all their signatures!♥
star hoodie
my own drumset
dickies backpack
boyfriend tee
plain t-shirt
be a dj when i grow up!

♥ Arron Yan :D
Dai Yang Tian Kim (Hyung) Jun
Zhang Zhen Huan Dai Yang Tian
Lucas Grabeel Zhang Zhen Huan
Kim (Hyung) Joon Lucas Grabeel
♥ Ron Ng
♥ Jerry Yan
♥ Kim Hyun Joong
♥ Wilber Pan
Julian Hee Mike He
The list can go on, but it will take all the space left:D

Top 10 movies/ dramas

♥ Pi Li MIT!!!
♥ the ultimatum!!!
♥ Wild child
♥ High School Musical 3:Senior Year
♥ KO One
♥ Boys over Flowers
♥ Crime Busters x2
♥ Fighting Spiders
♥ Princess Hours
♥ Night at the Museum 2

Top 5 bands

♥ LKyouth band:D(both the old and new)
♥ 飛輪海
♥ T-Max SS501
♥ S.H.E
♥ SS501 Jo Bros


♥ The drums:D
♥ Star accessories/clothes.(eg necklaces, tankies, rings)
♥ The combination of pink and baby blue
♥ archie comics
♥ sausages
♥ MYSELF! we must have confidence in ourselves. no? and much more much more things!!! ask me!!!


ShoutMix chat widget


arron's blog!♥♥♥♥♥
joylynn jie
wei ling
mei lin

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Designer: manikka
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Friday, July 31, 2009

mood: relaxed, vexed

yay! today is friday!!!!!!! yipeee!!!! haha ran 2.4 yesterday for guides and my legs are hurting like shit cos i havent ran in a damn long time. anyways, when school was over today, i was soooo happy!!! yay!!!! and like i saw my zhenghuan( its in the 6pm korean show. its REALLY boring, but i watch it for him:D)! i dont know what his real name is, but i think its better not knowing it. some names spoil my like for that guy. like totally DESTROY.

anyways, we have to do a CE project on major festivals, and we were so frazzled over who should be in whos grup. so... in the end, this is the result: ml, tingly, xuanyi and i are all in one group and doing the festival qing ming. lexxy, janie,zy and shreya are in one group and doing vesak day i think. gosh. ok whatever.

this freaky guy sent me an email and a fb msg saying he wants to know me better and it would be great if we could meet up. GO DIE IDIOT. maybe that person is a girl. cos her/his email has a queen. so maybe its a les. wtf. haha the msg and email totally freaked me out. like so damn much...

oh i found out his name. not bad. but can also be a bit retarded. but i think its fine♥♥♥ Lee Dong Wook:D

omg im hooked on to kim joon's song, empty bet. omg i him!!!

i must stop becoming obsessed with every star i see on tv. but wont you agree with me that if there is no one you like in the show, you have no motivation to watch it? i bet you do:D


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

mood: happy; drunk

time of day: afternoon


today was ok, i supposed. i was so happy in science, cos i managed to get 2 stickers from mrs yeo! and i stared out with 0. its called what again? erm 一举两得. or smthing like that. although i think im using it wrongly. whoops. so... tmr i have to be in school by 6.30, and im SO not looking forward to it. its like a good 20 mins before my actual reaching school time! which means i have to wake up 20 mins earlier! so sad... haha and i have to tie french braids, but my hair to short to tie it, and my hair is too long for a hairnet! gah. so annoying. but nvm, tze yi is helping me with it. i hope she can tie my hair... and we have to wear our hats tmr. i dont want to wear it! but it cant be helped. sigh.

we had some coping with emotional stress programme today. cant say that it was boring, though i dont think the methods would actually help. i tend to overreact when im angry. i cant just calm down when you tell me to. i have an attitude problem rmber? oh well, at least im not angry today:D

ok then, going to play my drums(:


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Sunday, July 26, 2009

mood: super x100 tired

time of day: afternoon

omg, i feel damn shack now. i slept like 5 times alr since overnight prayer ended. (1) on the pew (2) during sermon. whoops (3) on the way back to jermaine's house (4) on the way backto my owon house (5) after bathing (6) in the room (7) just now at the rocking chair. i just dozed off. so... thats actually 7 times, but whatever, my brain isnt functioning properly now. and it probably wont till tmr...

anyways, overnight prayer was pretty awesome. seriously. i mean, its real churchy, but the darkness and stuff help you reflect more. haha. but at like 3am onwards, everyone starts talking nonsense.

oh yes, lk's century is like infested with cockroaches. only in the night. so we were all quieting down and then suddenly i heard charis beside my like whimpering and whining. so i open my eyes and OMG, i saw this gigantic cockroach super near me. i almost screamed. haha. in the end yiguang killed it. thank goodness. but from then on, for the rest of the morning, we were super careful not to step on cockroaches. everthing that moved we screamed cos we thought it was a cockroach:D

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHY AM I SO TIRED? the overnight prayer changed my whole sleep schedule. sigh. you could tell that by 3, everyone started speaking shit, cos we all started speaking more quieter and slower. and mispronouncing our words. our brains were just not working... haha.

tmr i have guides footdrill. hope i wont faint.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

mood: excited and irritated

time of day: afternoon

that jump shot is damn good, i have to say. i can never jump like that. anyways, that was random.a

so irritating. in a fun way. im like playing crazy planets, and those stupid aliens keep moving about. i keep missing and dying!!! omg. anyways, i have made it to the top of the list with 16139 points!!! yay finally im like #1 for smthing.
haha anyways, going for overnight prayer tonight at 11. going to pick jermaine first though. i dont know what to blog bout.
oh yah yesterday in school, i was damn tired cos of my guides marching the previous day. so when i went to school, i saw everyone doing sketching and i was like OMG I FORGOT TO BRING MY ART STUFF. si i was like hyperventilating(?) and then i msged mummy and asked her whether she could bring my my art stuff. but she said she couldnt, so i was like oh shit. in the end, i was over -reacting again, cos the teachers so doent give a damn whether you bring or art stuff again. sigh. wtf.
and and and... next week i have intensive footdrill training. monday and tuesdays - 230 to 430 and thursday during guides. im gonna die. i cant tell my right from my left, so thats seriously terrible.
okays... shall play crazy planets and get even more pissed. BYEEEEEE!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

mood: vexed; excited

time of day: night

hellos people of this world!!! today is racial harmony day! happy racial harmony day!!!! can you believe that i was actually wearing a peranakan attire in school? i was freaking out cos i didnt have the correct insides and the top was translucent. haha. but in the end, i just wore it. but nothing could be seen. i think i was over reacting. i always do. half of the day i was pulling up my skirt and it dropped halfway when i was returning to class. whoops. tmr or some day i will upload the photos!!! i look retarded. yuting took a photo of me and zhengyi, omg, i looked so unglam. hopefully she deleted it.

and zomg there was supposed to be a eclipse today, but i didnt see anything. haha. not that we are supposed to look at the sun.

2 exciting things today.

1. became an sc ambassador!

2. got into marching contingent. (i actually didnt want to be in it, but since given the opportunity, why not?)

so yay. today was also exciting.

so.... cant wait for overnight prayer. but i think i would be freaked out at night. i mean, the whole church is pitch dark at night. and im scared of my own house at night, let alone church. but still, oh yah jermaine, my dad says he can pick you!!!

oh well, better do my work now.
i have to study for that stupid guides test. otherwise i will fail.


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Sunday, July 19, 2009
this is my blog entry which i typed in my phone cos my parents didnt let me use the com yesterday.

OMG IM LIKE SUPER PISSED. When i came home form bpp, i asked my parents whether i could play the com before doing hw. NICELY. Then mummy said no, so i was super irritated (im telling you, i have a damn bitchy attitude). and then i went to the room with my moods. and then papa came in and he scolded me, saying that why i was like that and i had all the time in the world to finish it and yada yada wtf. he doesnt even know that i have inferencing exercises. omg. and her dares to say that. so i started crying (as usual) then i got better. but mummy had to spoil it all. i was reading a comic as a form of rst and i accidently knocked over a cup of milk. and it was only A BIT. gosh. and so i went to clean it, and mummy scolded me like shit and said that i had a bad attitude. so i was pissed (again) and then went back to the room to cry (as usual). Parents can be weird. They ask you to clear up the mess on the table and when you accidently spill a drop of something they scold you and say you 'yue bang yue mang.' downright slappable. I think i have an attitude prob. actually i know. a serious one. i think one day i can kill myself out of anger. like seriously. but dont worry. i wont harm people. i will only harm myself. maybe im emo too! i think i shall go for counselling. and anger management courses. next time, when im angry, i shall do the following.
(a) count to 1000
(b) Scream in my pillow
(c) heck care. just cry
(d) bite myself.
i think (c) and (d) are the best. cos crying relieves you of your sorrows and biting yourself helps to like relieve anger. and i cry damn esily. when someone doesnt tell me something then i start crying. inside of me. and when i go home. but never in front of them. told you im a bitch right? whatever. im pissed. dont talk to me.

3-6 pm

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Thursday, July 16, 2009


omg. i just saw my monologue cd, and i was reminded of someone. Someone who has short hair and wears specs. i guess you know who she in, my dear sc friends.

gosh. she practically insulted me for my file the other day. she said i would get 'famous' for my messy file. SHE HURT MY FEELINGS! i totally felt like crying when she said that. i spent two whole days just trying to file stuffs and to write the content page. and then she tells me those things. she really contradicts herself y'know. first she tells us that we should pay attention and remember what she told us to do. then, she tells us to forget her scoldings. BUT I CAN'T. omg.

Janice Lim's birthday is tmr. Happy birthday!! she has a party on sun, but i can't go. sad:(

and there's the PSLE sharing tips thingy. but im going also. although you can get cip points. cos i have drums later. at 5. although the thing supossedly ends at 415, but knowing them, they will drag it till its damn long....

doing my music project. sounds like fun actually. haha. cos i get to listen to music and do the project:D

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zzz....im so friggin tired... fortunately, tmr is friday! claps. omg y'know for basking/busking, we're gonna do 4 songs!!!
1. No Boundaries
2. Heal the World
3. You belong with me
4. NOBODY!!!
haha i suggested the last song. and we're gonna dance! more specifically, only 6 of us are gonna dance. and im none of them!!!!! yay! the wonder girls are hot man! but not hot enough to go into my hottie list.heehe. im like learning how to dance to it now. but probably on that day i'll just dance like a drunkard. i wish i could take a video of basking, but its illegal... haha

im tired. good night.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
so... went for science supp today and got back my test! and yay!!! i have 50/60!!!!! yayayayayayay!!! its quite good, considering that like my previous bio test had 33/60. huge improvement. 23 marks!!! *smiles*

my science marks!

so... still doing my chinese blog. i dont know what to write. sigh... anyways, i had like double period chinese today, and we were supposed to write a compo on what would make us cry in the position of our 'want to be' jobs.

so... i wrote a dj. but what would make a dj cry? soi thought that maybe like nobody listens to my radio station, so i would cry. but my teacher said it wan't realistic. so i changed it. to a totally normal thing that anyone would write. teachers lack imagination...

Arron and Kim Joon:D

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Monday, July 13, 2009
AHHH! i just watched the boys over flowers advert and i saw KIM JOON!!!!! *smiles widely* he has like that charming smile, and even when he is serious, he still looks cool:D yay!!! this is a random post. but im stuck on my chinese blog as usual. sigh. i wish there was a nice show to watch... the only nice one is on saturday... bof. cos there's kim joon or kim jun as some ppl call him. haha:D hottie. i think im gonna change my ranking. he is now officially #2 on my hotties list! yayaayayyayayayay!means that poor dyt and zzh and lucas will have to shift down. awww....

hot guy!!!

i think my sis has h1n1. seriously. not gonna room with her tonight.....

i think i have a new song. i want nobody,nobody but them *clap clap clap* nobody, nobody but them *clap clap clap* i want arron i want kim joon, dai yang tian and zhang zhen huan, i want nobody nobody, NOBODY NOBODY!

haha lame song. but that's me. i think i can be a wicked songwriter when i grow up:D everyone would want my services!!!

zy, my brush is getting hotter! i just saw it today!!!

i feel happy now.

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so... my mom has just created facebook, and she checks it everyday, so i really have to be careful with what i say:D and what i do. but most of the time im playing rc, so yah. haha. last friday, i got SUPER pissed at my dad, cos like i needed the camera, and he had it, but i didn't want to disturb him at work. and then then then when he came home, he LEFT THE CAMERA IN HIS OFFICE. so he got angry at me and then asked me why i didnt tell him. then i said that i didnt want to bother him/disturb him in his office, so yah. then he said that i was giving excuses. i was so super pissed that i started crying. (i actually cry for a lot of things. my old crybaby habit is still living in me.)
ok my mom just woke up and im playing crazy planets. whoops. she is giving me THAT LOOKhhaah. nvm. crazy planets is really fun. i mean, its so cool! you blast robots off the earth and collect their metals! not that that is cool... or uncool... ok nvm. anyways, school life! well, someone has been really pissing me off at school these few days. becoming freaking irritating. but we shan't harbour on bad things. today, school was not bad i guess, got a lot of stuff back.
  1. Geog paper --> 23.5/30 not bad i suppose, but i could get higher:D
  2. Chinese Spelling--> 21.5/20 this is the most awesome thing. i actually got over full marks!
  3. Chinese fill in the blanks-->4/10 whoops. this is quite terrible. but like this has always been my weak point.
  4. Math pop quiz-->3/10 ok. this is the seriously bad one. hehe. had a second one today. i hope i did better!

Other stuff that got returned last week

  1. Chinese test-->29.5/40 not bad? haha highest is 33 i think. so yah. good job to janice! since chinese has always been my weakest.

i cant remember anymore. tmr im ggetting my science paper back! gosh im damn scared! my previous one was like 33 marks. haha. upon 60 so i better buck up.

okays... this blogpost has been long whoops. better end this before mummy really finds out what this is. now she thinks im typing out an essay. i hope. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Arron and Kim Joon

Saturday, July 11, 2009
yay!another week over! i just found a new game on fb. CRAZY PLANETS. not sure whether its fun... playing now...
anuways, the crisis is getting worse! both are at loggerheads!!! must be neutral... cannot take sides...
hey the game is cute!!!

Monday, July 06, 2009
yay! i've finished with my revision for those stupid 40 phrases! yay me!!! as for the history thingy, well, too bad. im not gonna do it. i alr got all the facts, so yah. dont bother writing the stuff down. hehe.
anyways, went out with the churchies yesterday. was really fun:D youth sunday was great! AWESOME yesterday!!!! i actually freaked out in the beginning, when the thing started, even though i usually dont have stage fright. but you could tell that everyone was super scared, cos everyone started a bit off, including myself. but then, we started to gain confidence, and then yay!!! we were so good!!!! haha!!! and the game, 'don't forget the lyrics' LKyouth edition was tons of fun too!!!! haha!!! we youths lost to the adults, but we were just giving them a chance:D since they were adults.
and john fetched us home yesterday again! he has become my personal chauffeur. thats why i must get a very very good prezzie for him!!! haha and it was damn funny also, cos he couldn't pronounce crisp. he kept saying crips and he claimed that it was correct!! haha! now that i thinnk of it, i can;t really pronounce crisp too! wait im trying...
btw, happy birthday john! you have grown one year older!!!

ah!today is rush day! just finished all my homework, and suddenly, zhengyi called me and sked me whether the history file work must be done! ahh!!!! we decided to do it, you never know wht mrs quek would do. so now, i have to write 500 words 1000 words. i was actually free in the afternoon!!! i could play restaurant city! but now, i have to do the 1000 words report. HOW WOULD I KNOW WHAT THE LINK BETWEEN HIST AND GEOG IS? 500 words on that freaking essay, and another on a NEWSPAPER ARTICLE! i wish i could get H1N1, so i dont need to go to school for the whole week...

Thursday, July 02, 2009
school has been like a bee hive this few days. dont ask me why i used that expression. cos i dont know. lang arts has been driving me mad. im actually blogging cos like mummy and papa are downstairs, buying some stuff, and then im slacking for my stupid report. i mean, we just finished our pw, which was also a report. and we could take like 5 months to finish it. and now, we have only 1 month. LESS! so... holidays have been pretty slack actually, maybe that's why so much homework to rush... and i had to mug like crazy on monday for my geog and history test. i think i failed geog. i can't remember the rivers. and i think i put the kalahari desert as the KALAMARI desert! oh gosh!!! there goes another half mark. by the end of the year, i would be thrown out of sc. not that i mind... sc so stress...
and like guides is friggin driving my brain crazy. hello? like 3 projects in the june hols? omg!1 word to describe it. IMPOSSIBLE.
but thank goodness there is like youth day hol. it practically saved my life. but then again, i just have to mug more to like remember the meanings of 40 verbs, no.proverbs,no. ah yes. PHRASES. to make matters worse, its in CHINESE! im dead.
and then then then there is this minister of education coming to our school tnr. there is actually a protocol to follow. when he comes in we must say 'good morning minister sir. good morning ma'ams and sirs.' then when he leaves we must go 'thank you minister sir, ma'ams and sirs. have a good day.' !!!!!! haha whatever. he also has this tendency, according to my teacher, to ask questions when he walks around the class. i hope he doesn't ask me whether i have any liking to any idol. i will go mad!!!!!
oh, and guides was cancelled today. and farewell tmr too. sad. and i just changed my patrol to like sw2! which is swallow 2. i was in sparrow 1. sigh... its so unfair--
whhoops my parents have come home. gtg. BYE!!!!!!!